Tag Archives: save money

Shout To The Top: ‘Loud Budgeting’ Takes Personal Finance by Storm

Forget silent saving and quiet cutbacks (were they ever a thing?!). A new financial movement is here: loud budgeting!

Loud budgeting is the personal finance trend that rejects spending for the sake (and appearance) of spending. It does this by requiring people to talk openly about their money goals with family and friends, as a means to reject society’s pressure to ‘spend big’ all the time. This trend empowers everyone to proudly (and loudly!) declare their money goals and tactics, turning budgeting into a communal affair.

Gone are the days of awkwardly declining invitations and secretly watching (and regretting) every cent you spend. The loud budgeting trend embraces openness and transparency about your personal finances; meaning you can actually say what you’re not spending on to your friends and family so they know your budgeting.

Originally identified by TikToker Lukas Battle, loud budgeting encourages open communication about your financial aspirations, even if they involve saying “no” to unnecessary spending. It prioritises aligning your wallet with your values, rejecting societal pressures to spend just to keep up. Instead of feeling deprived, proudly articulate and stand by your choices.

This transparency can be contagious. By sharing your budgeting goals and commitments, you may inspire others to do the same and prioritise their own financial goals. Friendships can transform into supportive networks, celebrating milestones and offering encouragement (and preventative steps) when temptations arise. More open communication about money fosters genuine connections and breaks down the stigma often associated with financial struggles.

But is loud budgeting all happiness and light? Critics argue it can lead to harsh judgment or pressure from family or friends. It’s crucial to remember that personal finance is just that – personal. Share what feels comfortable and stay in a supportive environment.

When you think about it, no matter your financial circumstances, it’s a smart idea to talk to others about ways to save and spend. As part of loud budgeting we can all agree that shopping around and comparing prices is a pretty reliable way to get the best price for your personal and family needs.

Which makes GetReminded the perfect app to start a loud budgeting conversation.

Simply set some reminders to renew your insurance, mobile/cell phone and energy plan, loans and subscriptions – tell your friends and family what you’ve done – and the app will do the rest by reminding you to shop around.

Say it LOUD – Get the app. Don’t forget to save.

Download the free GetReminded app from the Apple App or Google Play store. Read the FAQ page to learn more.


Photo credit: Helena Lopes, Unsplash.com

The Cost Of Living Crisis: Tips To Save Money

Rising mortgage interest rates, the war in Europe, COVID-19, unpredictable weather events, low wage growth, Brexit, supply chain disruptions – all of these factors are contributing to the cost of living crisis that is gripping the world right now.

The rising cost of everyday products and services is making it difficult for families, couples and individuals to spend less than they earn, manage their household budget, and save money.

GetReminded was created to help people save money.  Of course, there are many other ways to achieve the same result. The following online articles offer some useful tips.

Nerd Wallet – “How to Save Money: 22 Proven Ways”

(US article) List highlights:
• Prep for grocery shopping
• Get discounts on entertainment
• Bundle cable and internet (set a reminder in our app to do this when your plan expires)
• Switch your cell phone plan (store plan expiry or review date in our app)

Lifehacker –  How to Actually Achieve Your Money Goals This Financial Year

(AU article) Article highlights:
• Set mini savings milestones
• Win small to win big
• Track spending against goals

Bank of America – 8 simple ways to save money

(US article) List highlights:
• Record your expenses
• Determine your financial priorities
• Make saving automatic

HSBC – Everyday spending hacks to help you save money

(UK article) List highlights:
• Check your utility providers (shop around for the lowest cost provider)
• Cancel unnecessary subscriptions (store them in our app so you get alerts to review/cancel)
• Search for discounts (shopping around is the easiest way to start saving)

Tik Tok – Money-saving tips

Browse hundreds of TikTok short videos related to money-saving tips.

GOBankingRates – 6 Ways You Could Be Saving Money on Twitter

For Twitter users, there are many ways you can use the platform to find money-saving tips. Some ideas in this article:
• Follow Your Favorite Retailers
• Follow Coupon Accounts
• Search Hashtags

reddit – Saving Money: A Community for Thrifty People

reddit is a global online community where almost any topic attracts comments, ideas, tips and feedback. It’s a self-help supermarket that also has some excellent tips to save money.

To learn more about GetReminded, check out the FAQ page.




How To Save Money In 2021: 5 Top Tips

No matter what you earn, saving a little extra money is always a good idea.

The cost of living continues to rise, whilst wage growth is at its lowest annual growth rate in 20 years!

Avoid that feeling of “I shoulda saved more”. Here are some simple tips to start saving today.

1. Capitalise on low interest rates: consider consolidating existing debts

Interest rates are at record lows, so this is an ideal time to review your existing debts and consider consolidating.

According to Amanda Horswill of Canstar, “If you are concerned about existing debt, staying on top of repayments or how much interest you’re accumulating, you may have some options available. Two common options are debt consolidation of personal loans and credit cards.” But as the Australian Securities & Investments Commission’s Money Smart team points out, know the risks and make sure you will save money before you consolidate your loans into one.

2. Ask for a better deal, at the right time

“Too many people stick with financial institutions and credit card companies year after year out of convenience or misplaced loyalty,” said Sam Bocetta of Privacy Australia.

Installing the GetReminded app (from the Apple or Play Store) can prompt you to shop around for the best deal at the time your contracts are due for renewal. Get reminded when it matters and potentially save hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year on your everyday expenses.

3. Declutter and make money

Marie Kondo, the tidying expert, bestselling author and star of Netflix’s hit show, ‘Tidying Up With Marie Kondo,’ has become an international sensation. If you are on-board with the decluttering craze, consider making and then saving some extra dollars by selling your unwanted goods via online platforms including Gumtree, eBay and Facebook Buy Swap and Sell groups.

“I have sold several thousand dollars worth of stuff to declutter our house!” Deb Liu, Vice President of Marketplace and Commerce at Facebook told Australian Reader’s Digest. “I [also] get the kids involved. We’ve sold some of their games and toys. It’s a win-win: They think they’re earning money for even more toys, and I get to teach them about math and budgeting!”

4. Change one spending habit and save

Money Smart points out that making minimal changes in your life can help you achieve your money-saving goals.

“Small changes can make a big difference to your bank balance. Change one thing you do regularly and you could save money. Switching from a large to a small latte can save $1.50 a day. This saves more than $500 a year on buying coffee,” The Money Smart team advises.

5. Avoid overspending at Christmas: cheap and cheerful gift ideas

It’s the thought that counts! To help you save more this Christmas, the team at The Thrifty Issue have compiled a list of affordable and thoughtful gifts.

From beard kits at Catch to quality wine at bargain prices from The Wine Collective, you can reduce what you spend this festive season.

Further reading

Here at GetReminded, we look for blogs and articles that help our community to be better with money. One such blog is by Teresa Siqueira and it’s titled ‘Easy Tips and Home Projects to Help You Save Money‘. The post explains setting up a household budget, how to save on household energy and water, recycling and DIY home improvements.

Join our community

For more lifehack and money-saving tips to empower you, read more of our blogs and connect on Instagram or Facebook.

Disclaimer: This information is meant as a guide only and should not be taken as legal or financial advice.


Four Reasons Why It Pays To Be Organised

Being organised is easier said than done. It’s a commonly held goal of many Australians, and for good reason, because being organised can pay big dividends.

The GetReminded team have compiled four top reasons to demonstrate why being organised can be a life game-changer.

1. Stress less

We could all use a little less stress in our lives, right?

Trying to remember everything is stressful. Constantly feeling like you have forgotten something or rushing to get things done at the last minute….that’s stressful too.

According to Intermountain Healthcare, a US-based not-for-profit system of 24 hospitals, being disorganised can impact your mental health. The team of health professionals there think organisation helps you to:

● Improve sleep
● Reduce stress
● Improve your relationships
● Reduce depression and anxiety.

2. Be more productive, enjoy more ‘me time’

If you have your ‘ducks in a row’ by being more organised in your daily life, you will free up more time for yourself.

“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care
enough about yourself to make room for it in your life,” said Psychiatrist, Jungian Analyst and author Jean Shinoda Bolen.

You know that yoga class you have been meaning to join? Or the return to sewing that you have been wanting to make? Regaining more time for yourself by being more organised can help make these things happen.

3. Save money

Being organised can have a positive impact on your bank balance too. There is a range of tools available to help you get on top of your to-do list.

The free GetReminded app can prompt you to renew your contracts and pay bills on time. Avoid late fees and take the opportunity to shop around for the best deal at the time your contracts are due for renewal. Get reminded when it matters and potentially save hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year on your everyday expenses.

4. Focus on the big picture

Being bogged down in micro-managing small daily tasks can mean you lose sight of the bigger picture. Remembering to pay a bill, feed the pets and buy the dishwasher tablets at the supermarket can occupy a lot of your day-to-day thinking, rather than your relationships or self-care priorities.

Kat Springer, The Organised Housewife, said “Organised people weren’t born organised, I know I didn’t start picking dirty clothes off my floor and keeping the kitchen tidy until I was well into my 20’s!! It’s all about creating a system and routine that works for you.”

Once you have a system and routine in place that suits your lifestyle, chances are you can stop sweating the little things and focus on the bigger picture things you want to achieve in life.

Join our community

For more lifehack tips and consumer insights to empower you, join GetReminded on Instagram or Facebook.

Learn more about the app on our FAQ page.

GET THE APP TODAY from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Disclaimer: This information is meant as a guide only and should not be taken as legal or financial advice.