Tag Archives: deals

Remember To Ask: Is This The Best Deal?

COVID-19 has wreaked economic havoc globally and Australia is now officially in a recession for the first time in nearly three decades.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics has also revealed that nearly a third of Australians (31%) reported that their household finances had worsened due to COVID-19. Consumer spending is down and opportunities to save on everyday expenses are being actively sought out by consumers.

Consumer empowerment

It’s a particularly important time for consumers to be asking this critical question of themselves and their service providers: is this the best deal for me?

Automatic renewals

It’s common for contracts such as mobile phone plans to be set with automatic renewal clauses. Unless the consumer is aware of when the contract expires, chances are the contract will continue rolling.

According to Brennan Law Partners, specialists in Australian Consumer Law, “despite being subjected to scrutiny and criticism, automatic renewal clauses are not prohibited in Australia, either by statute or common law.”

Tim Nicholas of GetReminded says, “The responsibility usually rests with the consumer to be aware of when contracts are due for renewal. We know that in the busy, fast-paced world we live in, trying to remember when every service contract is due for renewal can be a significant challenge for consumers.”

”Statistics show (according to savings.com.au) that Australians are more likely to get a divorce than change insurance providers.”

The GetReminded app is a prompt to seek out the best deal, at the right time

Australian-based startup GetReminded has launched an app that empowers consumers by prompting them to ask questions of their service providers at exactly the right time when their contracts are up for renewal.

“We wanted to help everyday consumers to position themselves to get the best deal from service providers. We think the timing is critical. After initial set up, the GetReminded app sends a series of reminders prompting users about their personal, upcoming renewals and bills. Consumers can then look to get a better deal from current providers or shop around and switch to alternative providers if they aren’t satisfied. One of the times consumer bargaining power is strongest is definitely at the time of contract renewal, Tim Nicholas of GetReminded said.

reminders save money

It can pay to ask

Price points in the market can vary significantly and it is likely that if you don’t ask for a better deal, you won’t get one.

Mitch Watson, Canstar Group Manager, Research & Ratings, commented that “With over a 2.65% difference between the lowest & highest home loan comparison rates on our database, it could be a good time to review your loan.”

To help you take control of your finances and prevent auto-renewal clauses rolling over without question, download the free GetReminded app today.

DOWNLOAD THE APP NOW!   From Apple App Store or Google Play Store

Got any questions for the GetReminded team? Review the FAQs or send an email to: [email protected].

Disclaimer: This information is meant as a guide only and should not be taken as legal or financial advice.

Need To Be Reminded? That’s Normal

Do you sometimes get that anxious feeling that you have forgotten something? You’re not alone. The good news is, a little reminder can go a long way.

The psychology around being reminded

A Psychology Today article titled This Is the Secret to Getting Anything Done noted that “we’ve all had the experience of intending to do something and then forgetting when the time comes. One reason you forget to complete an action you intend to do is that you are not reminded to do it. As a result, when the opportunity arises for you to complete a goal, you just don’t think of the action.”

There are only so many hours in the day

Priorities come into play too. Chances are an annual bill renewal isn’t at the top of your to-do list? The toddler who needs a bath, the deadline at work or the meal delivery to a sick friend or elderly relative; these types of things tend to take priority in our day-to-day lives, and rightfully so.

According to this Life Hack article The Importance of Reminders (And How to Make a Reminder Work), “no matter how well you set up your to-do list and calendar, you aren’t going to get things done unless you have a reliable way of reminding yourself to actually do them. For a lot of tasks, the best reminder is one that’s completely automated — you set it up and then forget about it, trusting the trigger to pop up when you need it.”

Get reminded, increase your chances of getting it done

The free GetReminded app has been developed in Australia to allow people around the globe to set and forget. You will only be reminded when it’s in your best interests to be reminded, for example, when contracts like your annual insurance or mobile phone contract are up for renewal.

GetReminded in the real world

“I’ve paid the price of forgetting to pay a bill on time or allowing a contract to automatically renew without question. Paid the occasional late fee and I haven’t been in the habit of contacting my service providers, some of which I have been with for years, to see if I could get a better deal. With a young family and a busy job, I constantly have lots on my mind and lots of things to get done.

I downloaded the GetReminded app and set up my ongoing expense details just last month. Already I feel so much more on top of things with our family finances. Getting an app alert that my internet provider contract is up for renewal means I don’t have to try and remember. I am prompted to consider switching providers if I’m not happy,” Nic Meehan of Moss Vale, NSW said.

Words of wisdom

Have you heard this C.S Lewis quote before? “People need to be reminded more than they need to be instructed.” We agree!

Consumer bargaining power

“You will conduct your own market research, you will make your own decisions. The GetReminder app is about offering timely and empowering reminders that allow you to reassess your contracts at an opportune time, when your bargaining and negotiating power is at it’s best,” Tim Nicholas of GetReminded said.

We are only human
Make your life just a little easier by downloading the free GetReminded app today.

DOWNLOAD THE APP NOW!   From Apple App Store or Google Play Store

Got questions for the GetReminded team? Review our FAQs or send us an email today: [email protected].

Disclaimer: This information is meant as a guide only and should not be taken as legal or financial advice.